Instructions for working with databases


Fund of electronic resources of National Library of Satbayev University includes:

  • - electronic library;
  • - subscription licensed databases;
  • - open access resources (OPEN ACCESS);
  • - test access sources.

Subscription license databases and other electronic collections


  • - Subscription foreign academic databases include all types and types of documents and are provided to users in online and online modes, as well as on mobile applications. The EBSCO Discovery Servis (EDS) system provides convenient navigation and work with subscription databases from a single search window.
  • - The Open Resources Navigator (OPEN ACCESS) provides access to various types of information systems - repositories, archives, electronic libraries, formed by academic academic libraries and research organizations.
  • - For library readers free test access to the world's largest databases is organized. Term of test access: 1-2 months. Information about the test access is published in the library news.

The application form for test access is available here.

List of databases and other electronic collections provided by the Scientific Library of Satbayev University.


Terms of access to electronic resources

Access to the electronic resources of the Scientific Library is provided from all computers of the University by IP addresses. For access from home computers or mobile devices, authorization is required.

For information, login and password, contact the Information and Analytical Department of the Scientific Library (room 260, MMC, phone 7331).

Instructions for working with electronic library and databases

Access to full-text materials of the electronic library is provided when authorizing the user. Login and password - the same as when working on the Education Portal.

See the link "Search Instructions in the Electronic Library".



How to work with databases


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