Welcome to the website of the Scientific Library of Satbayev University!
More than a million books – for you!
The Scientific Library of Satbayev University was founded on September 22, 1934 on the basis of the library of the Semipalatinsk Geological Prospecting College with an initial fund of about 1000 copies.
Currently, the library's book collection is more than one and a half million copies of educational, scientific and technical literature and serves more than 14,000 thousand readers.
Today, the library is the information and cultural center of the university, which employs: creative center named after U. Sydykov, 7 service points, 3 computer rooms and 4 subscriptions.

The Scientific Library contains scientific works of scientists K.I. Satpayev, A. Mashani, O.A. Baikonurov, rare publications on geology and mining by V.K. Monich, K.G. Voinovsky-Krieger, A.V. Brichkin and books of well-known world publishers.
The Scientific library is equipped with modern equipment, including automated integrated library system "MegaPro", which provides online access to library collections. The electronic library has almost 60 000 electronic documents.
The Library's Information Resource Center provides access to subscription foreign databases as a Scopus, Web of Science, Wiley, Reaxys, IEEE Xplore, EBS IPR SMART, EBS Hind and Epigraph.
The library regularly organizes trainings, webinars, master classes and practical classes on working with databases, advises scientists and supports the interests of students.
The Scientific Library of Satbayev University is an active member of the Association of Libraries of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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